The Role of Education and Skills Training at Kallitti: The Case of Addis Ababa City Prison Administration
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Addis Ababa University
This study attempted to discuss the role of Education and Skills Training Center at kallitti in Addis Ababa prison administration. It addressed two basic issues on the role of the center, The first one was multi faceted role of education and technical training while the prisoners were in prison. The second important point was the role of education and the training in enabling the prisoners to live in harmony with the society in many aspects. To accomplish this, the study utilized qualitative research design that was implemented by collecting and analyzing qualitative data. Three data collection instruments were used, interview', observation and document analysis, The instruments were used to collect both primary and secondary sources of data,the primary data were collected from the institution under investigation, mainly from the trainees, the trainers, prison administration officials, and the released offenders. The secondary data for this study were the available documents ; like case records, trainees' report card, published
prison dairies etc, Accordingly the study investigated series of personal experiences of several individuals while they were in and after they were released from the center.
thus it was organized in to narrative analysis and several series of case studies.
Respondents for the interview were selected through purposive sampling. Officials, trainees, trainers and released offenders were selected. The released offenders were selected through availability sampling. The purposeful selection of participants was done using different criteria, like experience in the prison at least above two years because they understand the area of training system. the other criteria was that they were participants in the training recently. further criteria in selecting the administrative staff based on experiences and those who had direct relation with the training center were selected as respondents for the study. In the anaysis several factors that pushed individuals' to commit crime and do many illegal activities were identified. Of those factors the most series ones like extreme poverty, low educational background, and the
type of occupation they engaged in before imprisonment were identified in order that the rehabilitation process through education and training would be successful. A number of
education and raining at least for limited percentage of the prisoners were given. Metal work, wood work, bricklaying, tayloring, weaving, hairdressing, embroidery, accounting and office management were some of the trainings given in the center.
Significant number of prisoners gained a lot from the training in many aspects. Economic advantage was the major one; prisoners could help themselves and their families. next to economic , social and psychological advantages were prominent, which enabled the prisoners to be interactive and psychologically free from possible mental disturbance. In fact a number of them also learnt in regular education program in the center from 4th-10th grade. On the basis of the findings significant conclusions were made. finally several recommendations are forwarded in order that the observable critical problems would be solved.