The Practice and Problems of Preparing and Implemennng Educadonal Strategic plan in Amhara Region
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Addis Ababa Universty
The main purpose of the study was to assess the practice and probLems of preparing and
impLemenring educationaL strategic pLans in Aillhara region with the intent of suggesting ways
for improving it. AccordingLy, to answer the basic research questions in reLation to the
magnitude of stakeholders' invoLvement, adequacy and utilization of resources, competence of
ZED and WEO heads for effective preparation and impLementation of educationaL strategic
pLans, system of plan monitoring and evaLuatiol/, and major difficuLties encountered in preparing
and impLementing educational strategic pLanning were sought in the cOllrse of the study. The
research method elllpLoyed was a descriptive su rvey. Stratified, purposive, and simpLe ral/dom
sampling techniques were used to identify and seLect the major data sources of the study. The
study included 96 department heads; 24 principals; 84 zone and woreda planners, process
owners al/d experts; and j I work process pelformers, pLan and program experts from region
and zone as main data sources. Questionnaires, interview, and document analyses were the
major instruments used for data gathering. The data obtained through the above instruments
were analyzed using percentage, tn,ean scores, weighted mean. values. chi-square lest, and I- test.
The finding of this study indicated that the educational strategic planning practices in AlI1hara
region has been characterized by weak stakeholders involvement in the strategic pLanning
activities, inadequate budget and poor utilization '!f resources, lack of competence of ZED and
WEO heads to impLement the strategies, inadequacy of monitoring and evaluation systems, velY
poor motivatiol1al incentives given lO the lvorkers and inadequacy or unreliable data were the
major problems that affect the successjid implemenlCltion '!f the educational strategic plans in
Amhara region. Based on the major findings conclusions were drawn as; meaningful
participation of stakeholders, relevant planners' knowLedge and/or experience found to be weak
and there was an inadequacy of plan monitoring and evaluation system in the seLected zones ads
woredas. Finally recommendations were accordingLy forwarded. Thus, increasing stakehoLders
participation, expanding sources of resource, providing sustainable capacity building trainings
jar ZED and WEO Heads, creating an independent body for pLal/ monitoring and evaLuation, the
needforfllrther research works were some of the most importan./ remedies fha/n.eed fa be taken
so as 10 alleviate the existing situations.
Educational Strategic Plan In Amhara, Information Technology