An Assessment of Level One Alternative Basic Education Textbooks of Pastoralist and Semi-Pastoralist Areas of Somali Region
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of the appropriateness of the first level Af-somali, English, Mathematics, and Environmental Science textbooks prepared for students of ABE centers at pastoralist and semi-pastoralist areas of Somali Regional State. To conduct the study, content analysis was used as a method. Interviews for Regional Education Curriculum Department head and curriculum experts of the department who participated in the preparation of the textbooks were applied as a supplementing procedure. The appropriateness of the textbooks’ scope and sequence, layout, objective-content association, the conditions of illustrations and gender issue were coded and analyzed. The findings of this study showed that all contents are in harmony with the objectives set in the respective syllabi. The scope and sequence of all the textbooks need to be aligned with the level of ABE students. The illustrations are also in harmony with the contents although some of them lack clarity. The whole textbooks are prepared on the basis of self directing modes of activities. However, currently it is found that the typographic layouts and page setups of these textbooks show insignificant variation with standards set by EMPDA. Significant encouraging attempts and efforts have been shown to maintain gender balance, but it is found that this balance is not maintained perfectly throughout the textbooks. The setup of teams whose members include curriculum experts, subject experts, practicing teachers, graphic designers and the like for the purpose of curriculum materials development; editing manuscripts by separate professionals other than the textbook writers as it can positively contribute to the quality of the textbooks; revision of the textbooks periodically based on further and comprehensive study including the other aspects of the textbooks quality, paying due attention for the issues related with gender balance; the issues of setting standards and the formulation of textbook policy by concentrating on textbook writing, textbooks quality evaluations and approval, research on textbooks, copyright and similar matters either at federal or regional level; allowing the publishers’ participation in line with the principles of free market economy to accomplish the task of preparing and publishing textbooks are finally recommended based on the findings and conclusion of the study.