Social Discrimination and its Psycho-Social Consequences on Craft-Workers: The Case of Addis Ababa Region

dc.contributor.advisorAhem, Dame (PhD)
dc.contributor.authorSisay, Sergework
dc.description.abstractThis srudy atlempts to see the psycho-social eflecl of social discrimination against craft workers by the sociely in Addis Ababa region. Thus, the focuses of the study are on the degree of social discrimination craft people faced by the surrounding community, and ifs efJect 011 the psycho-social experiences including level of self esteem, sense of inferiority and degree orsocial interaction of craft workers with that ofnon-handicraji group. II/ order to attain Ihe objectives of the study, descriptive survey method was employed. A sample of eighty three participants who are organized under small scale industries in Gulele sub city Kebele 16 were taken from polters and weavers association using available samplillg technique. Twenty(20) participants were taken ji-om the black smiths group who are working around Kechene using available sampling technique. Thus a total of one hundred seven (J 07) participants were selected ji-om handicraft groups .In addition a sarnple of 34 subjects were taken randomly ji-om a total population of 178 households who are not engaged in craft work in Kebele 14. To col/ect data, two types of que.I'lionnaires, one for non-handicraft and the other for craft groups were developed. The inSlrumenl compleled by sampled handicraft group contains four parts; social discrimination, sell' esteem, inferiorily and social interaclion i{ems. While the inSlrumenl jilled by lIOn-craft group COl1lains items measuring social discrimination. Moreover, Focus group discussion for bOlh groups was held 10 collect qualitative data. The data collecled through questionnaires were analyzed using by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlalion coefficient and one-way ANOVA. The qualitative data obtained lhroughfocus group discussion were narrated by supplemenling the quantitative data. Thefindings a/the study showed that the handicraft workers in Addis Ababa region face social discrimillalion by the surrounding non-craft society. There are social restrictions in various ([Specls: including participation of the group in social events like wedding, fill1eral ceremonies and local associations (Edir, Elwb, Mahiber etc). The other way of discrimination is highlv reflected in restrictions of inter-group marriage. A10reover, there is Ihe use of derogalorv labeling by the society such as names and phrases which have negative conn alii lion towards craft people. The results also revealed thai, social discrimination signiflc({l1lly aflects lhe level of self esteem, sense 0/ self and social illleraelion o/crc~(i workers with the lIoll-craft cornmunity.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectPsycho-Social Consequencesen_US
dc.titleSocial Discrimination and its Psycho-Social Consequences on Craft-Workers: The Case of Addis Ababa Regionen_US


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