An Assessment of the First Cycle Secondary School El T Curriculum Reform Process

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of th is study was to assess the reform conducted on the first cycle secondary school EL T curriculum in 2004-2005. The assessment mainly focused on whether or not the EL T curriculum reform elements were handled appropriately. Moreover the study also tried to look into the English language teachers reaction about the over all reform and the implementation of the reformed EL T cu rriculum. The study involved four EL T curriculum experts working at ICDR and twenty-three first cycle secondary school English language teachers who have been teaching the language in five government and private secondary schools in four admin istrative regions of Ethiopia. The data for the study were gathered through questionnaire, interview and document inspection. Two different types of questionnaires were designed by the researcher and administered to the EL T curriculum experts and to the English language teachers. Interview was conducted with nine English teachers who filled the questionnaire. In addition , documents, which cou ld provide us with any information on the current EL T cu rriculum reform , were inspected. The results of the study showed that some of the EL T curriculum reform elements were not properly dealt with by the responsible reform agents. They also implicated some sort of disorganization and lack of systematic handling of the reform tasks. Furthermore, the results of the English language teachers' reactions show that most of the teachers have positive attitude towards some aspects of the current EL T curriculum reform and its implementation even if they believe that they were sidelined from the reform tasks and information. The study was culminated by making pertinent recommendations on the basis of the findings.



Curriculum Reform Process
