Social Marketing Experiance: A Study of Child Survival in Popula Tion Service Interna Tional (Psi) Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
711e main abjective of this study is to assess the social marketing experience of PSI Efhiopia
in reducing the level of infant and child mortality through its Child Survival (CS) program ..
Descriptive (mean, percentage) method of analysis together with cross tabulation (chisquare)
analysis and correlation analysis were used to analyze the data collected /Ising
structured questionnaire. Additionally, al/ernpts were made fa interpret fhe contextual R,cts
and figures reflected by the participants come across interview sessions wilh service
providers. The study revels that a large number of respondents were accessible to lIIessages
deliver through TV and Radio by PSI Ethiopia regarding their programs targeted to CS
However, among variety ofCS products, respondents were fa lind to be more f amiliar fO DRS
and Water Guard. From the socia-demographic Rictal's, jemales/mothers seemed fa have an
orientation towards attitudinal change about CS programs than lIIales. and .found fO be
agreed on the curing capacity of CS products, their af/ordability, and availability acrass
pharmacies/health clinics. However, customers could not get any of the CS productsjiom PSi
Ethiopia's service centers.
A Study of Child Survival