Work place Ergonomics Assessment and its Impact on Social Sustainability in Garment Manufacturing: a Case Study of Senmul Garment Manufacturing.
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Addis Ababa University
Workplace ergonomics in garment industry relates to the arrangement of workplaces, tools,
and equipment that are arranged to fit and align with the skills of the workers, and its
objective is to create workplace and work activities that are fit for the employee. Ensuring
employee health and well-being is important to social sustainability in garment
manufacturing industry. In addition to this, the research is mainly focused on an assessment
of the existing workplace ergonomics in Senmul garment manufacturing. The main aim of
this study is to evaluate and identify workplace ergonomics based on existing ergonomic
practices and their impacts on social sustainability in Senmul garment manufacturing. The
methodology includes a comprehensive literature review, collecting and analyzing
qualitative and quantitative data’s. The data has been gathered by using both primary and
secondary data from site visit assessments, selected grouped interviews discussions,
company data reviews, organized questionnaires, interviews, document reviews. In addition
to this, the study uses the REBA rapid entire body assessment soft wares and MS Excel and
Visio software to analyze the research and to find the hazards of musculoskeletal disorders
occurring at workplaces. Result from the study employees at senmul garment manufacturing
face high risk of job related ergonomic hazards injuries and social sustainability in work
ethics, work environment, community relationship, health and safety, human rights In order
to address these problems implementing suggested strategy mechanisms for the
improvement of workplace ergonomics such as a compressive ergonomics program in
routine evaluation, continuous monitoring to support social sustainability, investing in
ergonomics trainings for the managers and employee and focus on ergonomics risk
identification and the social sustainability objectives of the industry that employee rights,
encouraging ethical labor practices, crate standard working hours and enhancing the
employee quality of life these makes a more ethical industry. Moreover implementing
ergonomic interventions like job rotation schedules, adjustable workstations, and task and
tool design can reduce musculoskeletal disorder.
Ergonomics, Garment manufacturing, REBA, Workplaces, Social sustainability.