Teaching Staff Compensation Practice and its Problems in Government Secondary Schools of Eastern Zone of Tigray.

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of the study was to assess the teaching staff salmy and benefit scheme oj" secondary schools of Eastern Zone of Tigray Region, to determine to what extent the system is market-driven and to investigate to what extent it is built on the goals of secondmy schools of the zone. A descriptive survey research method was employed to conduct the study. Two hundred Menty two copies of questionnaires were distributed among randomly selected teachers and teachers' development program officials who were taken on availability sampling to gather both qualitative and quantitative data on their al/itude towards the compensation package. Two hundred sixteen of them were returned. In addition teacher development program officials were also interviewed. The result empirical analysis provided was based on survey responses and results were displayed using tables. The results of the survey responses indicates that the pay system of the Minis"y of Education is no/ or some what competitive with the local market and it does nol enable the secondmy schools to attract, recl'llit, motivate and retain quality teachers. It also reveals that the salmy and benefits the teacher receives is unfair, inadequate and unsatisfactOlY resulting in turnover and working at level considerably below their capacity in secondmy schools. The study also shows that communication about the salmy and benefits are inexistent in the secondmy schools. Without factual information about pay and benefit issues, it will be subject to speculation and misinterpretation and this may lead to reduced tl'llS/. Communicating teachers about pay and benefit issues are received to be the primmy task for .lil/ure organizational success. Finally, it is recommendedfor Minishy of Education, Regional Education Bureau, Woreda Education Office and the Secondary Schools to undertake a comprehensive teacher's compensation mechanism which represents a strategy for recruiting, al/!'Octing. retaining and supporting high quality teachers. In addition, the compensation system should be redesigned to enable the secondmy schools to encourage and reward peak performance and the acquisition of new skills and knowledge.



Staff Compensation Practice
