The Impact of Organizational Structure on the Implementation of Public Procurements Policy: The Case of Pubic Procurements Units in Some Selected Public Organizations of the Federal Government
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of
organizational structure on administrative efficiency in the case of
some selected public organizations of the federal government. The
research is qualitative and quantitative research approach using
Cross sectional survey method and purposive sampling method was
employed to select the sample from the relevant target population.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data.
Primary data were collected using five Point Likert-Scale out of 190
questionnaires 181 responses were properly filled and returned and
only 6 middle level managers were interviewed out of 10, which cover
93.5 %. The finding results indicated that the mean value for PPDU
(mean=3.21), FPPA (mean=3.43), and PPPDS (mean=2.84) were above
average which indicate that public procurement units are moderately
contributed to administrative efficiency. The correlation result for
PPDU (r=0.417, P<0.01), FPPA (r= 0.369, p<0.01) and PPPDS (r=0.355,
p<0.01) indicated that there were positive relationship between all
of independent variables and the dependent variable, rejecting all
null hypotheses. This implies that any increase or decrease on the
independent variable will bring corresponding change on
administrative efficiency. It’s found that the independent variables
has a 43.6% influence on the dependent variable while the remaining
56.4% is influenced by factors which are not covered in this study.
Hence, the public procurement units review its structure and system
in order to improve the limitation on administrative efficiency.
Human Resource