Superposed Degenerate Three-Level Lasers
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Addis Ababa University
In this thesis we study the statistical and squeezing properties of the light produced
by a degenerate three-level laser. Using the solutions of c-number Langevin equations,
we have calculated antinormally ordered characteristic function. Then employing the
resulting characteristic function, we obtain the Q-function. Applying the Q-function, we
have calculated the mean photon number, the variance of phototn number, the photon
number distribution and the quadrature variance. We have found that the light mode is
47:9% squeezed below the coherent state level at steady state for A = 3 and = 0:8. It
is observed that the degree of squeezing increases with the linear gain coe cient(A).
We have determined the Q-function for the superposition of the light beams produced
by two degenerate three-level lasers. Using this Q-function, we have calculated the mean
number of photons, the variance of photon number, the photon number distribution and
quadrature variance. We have found that the steady state mean photon number is a
simple sum of the mean photon numbers of the two light beams. The squeezing of the
superposed light mode increases with the linear gain coe cient. It is found that for A = 3
and = 0:8, the squeezing is 95:8% below the coherent state level
Three-Level Lasers