The Contributions and Challenges of Alternative Basic Education for Children Supported by Save the Children Denmark in North Shoa (Oromia)
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Addis Ababa University
Education is one of the rights of children (Article 28 of the CRC). It is hardly possible to fulfill
the rights of children without accessing basic education to children. Education is among the
determining factors of a country's development. One cannot imagine about development when
the actors of development are Illiterate. In connection to this, in Ethiopia, a considerable
attention and priority has been given to education in general and that of primary education in
particular. To this effect MOE has established partnership with NGOs, to implement ABE. Thus,
the main purpose of this study was to assess the contributions and challenges of alternative basic
education supported by SCD. Based on this purpose, brief review related literature, experiences
of other countries as well as research findings of others on ABE were assessed. Descriptive
survey research method was employed to conduct the study. Data were gathered from
government and NGO officials and experts, facilitators, CMC members and ABE students
through questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussion. The data collected through
questionnaires were analyzed using percentages, and the qualitative data were analyzed in
narration. In order to select sample population random, availability and purposive sampling
techniques were employed. The findings of the study revealed that improving physical access of
schools through provision of ABECs, motivated parents to send their children to centers and has
created education opportunity for the disadvantaged segment of society including girls. The
study also showed that the program carried out in the zone is contributing to the achievement of
UPE in terms of creating access, gender equity and efficiency. The findings deduced from the
study also revealed that both awareness raising and capacity enhancement activities helped the
partiCipants to understand more about the objectives of the program which in turn contributes to
the effectiveness of the ABE program. Hence, for the ucces of ABE program in creating an
opportunity to primary education., it is advisable to promote the change in attitude and
motivation of stakeholders toward ABE which will made them to appreciate the ABE a an
alternative way of creating access to education to needy children.
Alternative Basic Education for Children Supported