Practices, Problems, and Prospects of Tvet Institutes in Managing Human Resource: The Case of North Shoa Zone in Amhara Region
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the practices, which were carried
out by TVET Institutes of North Shoa Zone in managing their human
resource during the last five years. It was also to investigate those factors
which affect these efforts and thereby forward suggestions to improve the
situation . To this effect, the practices and major factors affecting
planning, recruitment and selection of the staff, their utilization,
professional assistance, training and development, and performance
appraisal of employees were the major areas of investigation.
A descriptive survey method was employed to reveal the present state of
staff management in the institutes. Th~ sample TVET Insti tutes were
selected from North Shoa Zone of Amhara Region based on availability
sampling technique. The subjects of the study were 42 teachers
(trainers), 34 members of the non-teaching staff, 21 academic heads, 10
members of employment and promotion committee, 3 principa ls, and 3
TVET Commission experts. Purposive, availability, and quota sampling
techniques were used to select zone, institutes, and subjects of the
study. The required data were obtained through questionnaire, interview
and observation of document s. The data gathered were analyzed by
employing frequency counts, percentages and chi-square test.
The findings of the study revealed that practice of preparing human
resource plans and forecasting of staff needs were extremely low mainly
due to lack of attention and the necessary skills of the staff managemen t
Most of the members of EPC did not obtain any orientation on staff
planning, recruitment and selection techniques. The meth ods mostly
used to select staff were job advert isement, college s candidates
graduated from, professional associations and transfers. The practices of
designing and implementing human resource plans, professional
assistance, training programs and stafLutilization were extremely low
because of financial inadequacy and lack of skilled personnel.
In light of these findings, the following recommendations were forwarded.
(1) Developing managerial skills of principals and other concern ed
personnel through constant training and providing more autOnomy for
the institutes to mange their financial and human resources; (2)
Expanding colleges which train TVET professionals; encouraging private
colleges to provide training in various fields at different levels ; (3)
a llocating adequate budget as well as expanding income generating
activities in the institutes to improve financial scarcity; (4) lmprovlIlg
working conditions (5) providing a substantial attention to HRM
Prospects of Tvet Institutes in Managing Human Resource