Discourse Analysis of Arganon: An Ethiopic Ecclesiastic Work by Ghiorgis Degasicha
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Addis Ababa University
This thesis sets out to explore the position of Ethiopian ecclesiastic Geez
literature of the fifteenth century. The method used is analytic and discourse
analysis . The central aim is to find a theoretical framework for the analysis of
Arganon. The text is chosen as a response to expatriate and Ethiopian scholars
who are su s picious of the preva lence of longstanding indigenous literary
culture. For example, Ullendorf (1945), Harden (1928), Amsalu (1976) and
Hayatt (1928) claim that Ethiopia did not have ecclesiastic literary culture
which is an integral part of the history of the nation. Some of them even pointed
out that Ethiopic literature is a direct replica of Syrian, Coptic, Greek, Hebrew
and other oriental church. It follows that there is no literature of na tional
Against this back drop, Ethiopian writers have exerted considerable impact on
the country's literary thinking. An example of such beginning is the work of
Getachew Haile who a ccredited the existence or li te rary tradition which is an
in tegral part of the hi s tory of the n ation. There are also many works in DFLL
which attract readers' attention not only for their religious values but also for
their focus on political, econurnic, social, philosophical and religious . However,
much research has not yet been done in th e area of Geez literature. This thesis
thus, aims at carrying out Discourse Analysis of Arganon.
There arc two main sec tions in this thesis. Theory and a pplication : Chapter one
focuses on the purpose and organization of the th esis. Chapter two provides a
fundamental assumption about the nature of discourse analysis and identifies
the major fea tures of discursive theories. Chapter three deals with discourse
analysis of Arganon and the methodological core of the thesis. Chapter four is
devoted to conclusion and offers recommendation. In the conclusion, the
composition provides findings and recommendation.
'I'he researcher COlncs vvi th new findings of the sirnilarities of Litany of Loreto
Sixteenth century literary work of Roman Catholic Church and Arganon a
Gamous literary work of Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Both deals with the praise
of Mary
Discourse Analysis, Arganon, Ethiopic