The role of literacy in economic empowerment: the case of nekemte women micro and Small business (Msbe) operators
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Addis Ababa Universty
The stll(0' allempled 10 examine Ihe role o/Lileraey in economic empowermenllaking Ihe
case of Women MSBE operalors al Nekemple lown, parlicularly wilh Ihe pwposes 0/
idel7lifying Iheir educational and work background Ihey had had, Ihe exisling gap among
Ihem because of lileracy, and consequenlly, whal bene/ifs Ihey gain or miss and which
group orthem enjoy beller livelihood. Hence, qualitalive c({se sludy melhod was used 10
underloke Ihe sludy and 10 understand Ihe conoilion deeply. Primarily, dalCt were
guthered FOIl1 lI1ainly women tv/SilE operators, and workers or TlT() lI,ho were ({/ the
sall1e tillle /acifilators 0/ the enterprises through queslionnaire, FeD and In-deplh
il7lerview. The parlicipanls were chosen Ihrough stratified random sampling /01'
questionnaire and FeD and purposive sampling based on Iheir role and responsibility,
willing and cooperaliveness, self expressiveness and literacy range in which they were.
Accordingly, 121 sample women/illed Ihe questionnaire, 30 women participated in three
FGDs and . four women and . /iJl/r TlTO workers were inlerviewed. Then, da/a collecled
Ihrollgh questionnaire were presenled and used where if was needed. and {he dalo
gathered Ihrough FeDs and Inlerviews were presel7led in narrative/arms on the bases of
injOnnants perceptions and il7lerpreted of Ihe Siltwtion supported by researcher '.I'
reflective analysis. The finding of Ihe sludy revealed that those women were unable to
per/onn their enterprises activilies elJicienlly 10 improve their economic wei/are because
0/ lack of life skills,' some women MSBE operators were lacking reading, writing and
nllllieracy skills. There/ore, Ihe researcher recommended Funclional Adult Literacy
program deSigned/or women, at all level: agencies thai organize and/acilitale should
consider the litemcy back ground of participants, and regions should undertake timely
and appropriale monitoring and evaluation activities 10 strengthen the activities orthose
women engaged in MSBEs.
Literacy in economic