Gastrointestinal Inactions in Patients Retorting to Municipality Plant Centers in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
Out of 552 ratients investigated 410 (74.2%) harboured
one or more p,astrointestinal infectious agents. Among these
61.2% had sin~le infections. Of the sing18 infections, the
narasites ~i8re dominant i.e. E. ,histolytici'!, accounted for
53.8%, Ascaris lumbricoides for 19.1%, !. !richiura for 19%,
G. lamblia for 5.2%, strongyloides stercoralis for 4% and
hookworm for 3.5%. Bacterial infections constituted small
pro[1ortions i.e. ,SbiE..ella sp 3.5% and?almonella tl'.rb,i 0.8%.
Estimation of intensity of infection involving the intestinal
helminths showed A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura to be light
infections, \~hile hookworm infections were heavy. Among the
multirle infections 31.5% were double, 6.6% triale and 0.7%
quadruple. Most frequent among the double infections were
those ~Iith ~. ~lstolytic,a and '2' lumbricoides (30.2%),
T, triohiura and g,' ~olvtici'! (17.1%), 8. l~icoides and
1. trichiura (14.7%) and .E. hl!tolytica and Ship:ell~ sp.
(12.4%). Similarly, 70.4% of the triple infections were
combinations of E •. ~istolytica, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura.
In all, multiple infections are more common than single
infections. Out of the 285 patients with diarrhea, 234 (82,1%)
had parasitic and/or bacterial agents diaf,nosed, Among these
56% had single infections while 34.6% had double, 8.1% had
triple and 1.3% had quadruple infections. In the single
infections .E. b,istolytic~ accounted for 61.8% and G. lamblia
for 8.4%. Similarly, A. lumbricoides constituted 11.5%,
T. trichiura 5.3% and S. stercoralis 4.6%. Likewise
§higel!a was associated with 6.9% and Salmonella with 1.5% of the cases. Most common combinations of the double infections
were E. histolvtica and A. lumbricoides (30.9%),
E. h.!§J.91yt.i,9!l and SJ.l!.&Ell1~" (19.8%) and E. histolytica and
T. trichiura (16%). Furthermore, in 84% of the diarrheal
cases with multiple infections. !. histolytlca occurred in
combination with one or more aRent~. A feneral tendency
for the proportion of,patients with below normal levels
of haematocrit and total serum ~rotein arneared to increase
as the number of types of infectious agents in the same
individual increased.