Factors Affecting the Provision and Management of Non-Formal Adult Basic Education Program in South Gondar Zone
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Addis Ababa University
South GondaI' Zone has lower gross enrolment !'Ote of primwy educatio n, many children
and adults who are scallered all over the remote areas are denied access to the formal
education system. This calls for the provision of educational opportunity for all these groups
of adults and children through the nonjormal education delivelY system. The study was
designed with the purpose of assessing the provision and management of nonjormal adult
basic education Descriptive survey method lvas elllployed to achieve the il1lended objectives.
Data gatheredji'om facil itators thmllgh qllestionl7l/ire lvere analyzed IIsing percentage: Data
gathered fi'om Education officials, ' center managelllen:. commillee (CMC) members and
adult learners, through interview, focus group discussion and observation were transcribed,
analyzed and triangulated with the qualitative data. The major findings of the study are: the
program had given low allen lion, lack of propel' curriculum materials, inadequate budget,
lack of trained staff related to the progralll. lack oj'coordination and communication among
officials, lack of strong and clear policy and researcl/ developmel1l. Based on the major
findings and conclusions drawn, the researcher forwarded the following
recommendations. The zone should allocate enough budgets for NFABE
program by playing the role of coordinating the community and other s take
holde rs for the program. The south GondaI' zone has to initiate various
stakeholders such as NGOs to be highly involved in the provision of NFABE
Non-Formal Adult Basic Education Program