Factors that Effective Implementation of Alternative Basic Education and its Effect on Children Success In Afar Region
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Addis Ababa Universty
The important of basic education as human right was declared by the United Nations 1948.
The declaration reveals access to basic education is both necessity and a fundamental human
right (Dechasa Merga 1010). According to Hinzen explanation the effective implementation
of alternative basic education program can affected by different factors such as population
growth, un balanced allocation of resources among different levels of educational system and
failure to educational policies to respond to the education needs of their respective (Dechasa
merge 2010). And also on the same hand, according to stich and Mc- Donald 1990 student
academic achievement in A.B.E program is influenced by mother’s level of education, which
means highly educated mothers have greater success in providing their children with cognitive
and language skills that contribute to early success in school. Also, children of mothers with
high level of education stay in school longer than children’s of mothers with low levels of
education, other indirect factors which affect the success of students include number of
material outings, financial stress, emotional climate of home and parental involvement with
schools. The main objective of the study was how effective the alternative basic education
program is implemented in the region, what factors affect effective implementation of
alternative basic education in Afar Region , what factors affect children success in
alternative basic education program in Afar region and how can students attendance
increased in ABE program in the region .Descriptive survey studies were conducted to assess
and describe the different factors which affect the effective implementation of alternative basic
education program and children academic success in Afar Region .The study was conducted
From January to August 2012 at Afar Region and the study population (Participants) under
consideration was ABE School students, Facilitators, parents , Supervisors and region
educational experts. Analysis of the result shows that (70%) of respondents involved in the
study said that relation with effectiveness of ABE program in the region is not satisfactory
(unsatisfactory) the major reasons were state are high dropout rate, less female participation
,law enrolment rate of school age children, children work load and lack of conducive teaching
learning environment . These all stated factors contributed a lot to program failure. In
relation with achievement of education for all programs according to (63.3%) of participant’s
response, the region can’t achieve education for all programs in 2015. Participants stated the
following reasons as a reason these are less female participation (gender imbalance), high
dropout rate, lack of attention to special need children, low standard and low enrolment rate
of school age children. Based on the findings increasing community participation , increasing
facilitators quality, increasing female participation, applying innovative method of education
like tree shade education, mobile school, multi grade model, family literacy ,construct
culturally attractive mobile school with mobile library and giving more attention to special
need children’s were recommended for its effective implementation and children success.
Basic education