ADDIS Ababa University College of Education and Behavioral Studies School of Psychology
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This research examined volunteer’s contribution in addressing the psychosocial needs of
orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in an orphanage: the case of love and care
volunteering team. It identified the perception of volunteers about the psychosocial needs of
orphaned and vulnerable children. It also identified the major contribution of volunteers in
addressing psychosocial needs as well as challenges impacting their contribution .A combination
of quantitative and qualitative method was employed. Questionnaire and in-depth interview were
used as a tool to collect the data. The data was collected from 385 participants and 8 child based
institutions. 270 questionnaires were distributed for orphaned and vulnerable children and 90
volunteers that provide service in the orphanage. In-depth interview was applied for 15
additional volunteers and 10 employees that work in the orphanage. The data collected from the
questionnaire were analyzed using statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, t-test and
Pearson correlation analysis. The results of this study indicated that, high psychosocial need is
found on OVC and the perception of volunteers concerning the children’s psychosocial need is
also very high. Through the correlation result, it was found that as the age of the children and
years of stay in the orphanage increases their psychosocial needs decreases. The contribution of
volunteers to fulfill the psychosocial needs for the children is also found to be high. Through the
independent sample t-test it is found that female volunteers contribute more for the fulfillment of
the psychosocial needs of OVC than male volunteers. Another result from independent sample t-
test showed that the educational backgrounds of volunteers was found to be insignificant to their
contribution as they give service for the children. Regarding the challenges that volunteers face,
the perception of the children towards the challenge the volunteers encounter is low where as
volunteer’s responses about their challenge is found to be neutral. The results found from the
qualitative research through in-depth interview is similar to the result found through the
quantitative in regards to psychosocial need of the children and contribution of volunteers.
Where as there is a slight difference between the qualitative and quantitative results related to
challenges the volunteers encounter as they give service.
Questionnaire and in-depth interview were used as a tool to collect the data