Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Prosopis juliflora (Swarz) DC Invasion in Amibara woreda of the Afar NRS

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Addis Ababa Universty


Despite the harmful effects of invasive species, the mechanisms behind the invasion and dynamics of invasive alien species are poorly understood in Ethiopia. Geographical Information Systems are emerging as valuable and cost-effective tools for understanding invasion dynamics and prioritizing management efforts these days. Moreover, remote sensing is the only practical method to acquire spatially and temporal detailed data over a large area. Because images can be acquired multiple times and provides a way to directly assess changes over time. This study was done in Amibara woreda in the Afar National Regional State. The objectives were: to evaluate the land-use/land cover change in the last two decades, examine the spatial distribution of P. juliflora in the study area, assess the temporal dynamics of P. juliflora invasion and to determine the rate of invasion, and identify the land-use/land cover types which are affected by P. juliflora and explore the possible causes. Post classification comparison change detection scheme was employed to discriminate spatial and temporal invasion of P. juliflora between 1986 and 2007. The invaded land which was 769 ha in 1986 changed to 3,849 ha by 2001 and highly increased to 11,579 ha by 2007 year. During this period, almost all the land-use/land cover has been invaded by P. juliflora. Shrub land was the most affected land-use/land cover having 2,742 ha area invaded by P. juliflora. Between 2001-2007, the overall change of all other land use/land cover to P. juliflora invaded land have showed at least two fold increase than during 1986-2001 period except the cultivated land that was reduced by half in percent invasion. Hence, the rate of change from other land-use/land cover to invaded land has shown an increasing pattern in 0.06% area per year in 1986-2001 to 0.37% per year of the study area in 2001-2007. If this situation continues with out proper management it will not take longer to see these areas reaching at climax invasion, where it reaches impossible to think of management. The consequence will not only be of the Woreda level or Regional level but also at the National level. Hence, a GIS Model and Remote Sensing application in order to show further risk zone and its invasion driving forces should be carried out in the area. This helps to plan an immediate control and management options and strong policy to organize different stakeholders starting from lower level to regional level on the invasive species P. juliflora. Key words: ASTER, Landsat, invasive species, invaded land, livelihood, land-use/land cover



ASTER, Landsat, Invasive species, Invaded land, livelihood, land-use/land cover

