Valuing the Health Damages From Water Related Vector Borne Diseases, and Micro Ecological Settings of Irrigation: A Case Study of Wonji Cane Plantation Irrigation Scheme

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Malaria and Schistosomiasis is the most prevalent water related vector born diseases, and their impact both in epidemic logical or monetary terms are enormous. These impacts are further intensified when irrigation project is instigated. They are endemic health problems, unless and otherwise in the area under in visitation. The present study conducts an object in reassessment of the health damages incurred by households due to malaria and schistosomiasis in wonji cane plantation, and also over look the attributes of irrigation exposure over and above with similar comparative area (Zeway) by using stat iatrical probability of odds of a disease. Health production function was adopted for valuing the damages from mosquito bite and circadian infestation, based on the theory of utility maximization behavior on aversion and illness. The predicted probability o f observing illness in a household was used to estimate the damages in monetary term s. Primary elate with a sample of 200 and 300 households were deployed from wonji breezeway respectively. This enables as to derive treatment cost and wage loss pending from the illness and to arrive at the total cost of illness. That is birr 288.65 and 83.03 for representative household and 57, 172 .50 and 16,439.94 birr per year for sampled households for malaria and 'Schistosomiasis respectively, and irrigation peculiar health damages was estimated and became 9.966.24 birr per year for both illnesses in a sampled household in chicane plantation. Accordingly health education through electronics media, wage income. educational attainment of the head of the household is the key determinant for aversion decision and malaria illness. Unexpectedly. the role of bed net in malaria illness is positively related and in significant, butting indicate only on avers ion . The significant variables for schistosomiasis and defensive behavior are wage income. non-wage income. illiteracy, knowing the symptoms, and unavailability o f potable water at household level. The health damage cost at household level and for representative samples are enormous. Therefore, th e study suggests that the government has to assess diseases impact not from epidemiology point only, but also to the economic cost aspect, which is crucial both at micro and macro levels. Moreover, the government should Provide appropriate tap water at al l times, special health education at school level. adequate distribution of bed net that can be supported with follow-up. and compensation for the opportunity cost they incurred when irrigation is implemented.



Health Damages, Plantation Irrigation Scheme

