Assessment of the Knowledge and Practices Towards Infection Prevention and Associated Factors Among Healthcare Providers of Public Health Facilities In West Arsi, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Health care workers (HCW) are at risk of infection with blood borne pathogens
(BBP) through occupational exposure to blood and infectious body fluids presents the greatest
risk for transmission in the health care settings(3). Health care associated infections place a
significant economic burden` on the health care system. Infection control(IC) practices are
paramount to minimize health care associated infections. This study was to assess the knowledge
and practice of health care providers towards infection prevention and associated factors in
health facilities in West Arsi Zone, 2015
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in April six to ten 2015 in selected health
facilities of West Arsi Zone. Six hundred eighteen health providers were included in the study.
The sample size was assigned to each health facility proportional to their number of healthcare
providers. Study subjects were selected by simple random sampling technique. Self administered
structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic
regression was used to identify factors associated with knowledge and practice of healthcare
providers towards infection prevention. P-value<0.05.
Result: six hundred forty eighty participants with 95.3% response rate were involved in the
study. Of these, (46.3%) had poor knowledge and 63.7% had unsafe practice health care
provider‟s score towards infection prevention. Having training on infection prevention were
significantly associated with knowledge on infection prevention (AOR=5.019 CI of 95% (1.453,
8.585)). Having training on infection prevention was significantly associated with practice on
infection prevention. (AOR= 5.305 CI of 95% (2.420, 11.629)).
Conclusion: Above one third of healthcare providers had relatively poor knowledge and nearly
two third of them had unsafe practice on infection prevention. Infection prevention training and
presence of infection guideline in the health facility are determinant factor to knowledge and
practice. Further study is recommended.
Key words: Knowledge, Practice, Infection prevention, West Arsi Zone
Knowledge, Practice, Infection prevention, West Arsi zone