The Success and Challen ges of Non-Forma l Basic Education Curriculum Implementation in Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
Oromia has implemented Non Formal Basic Education (NFBE) curriculum.
The program has served as an altemative approaches to complement the
formal education program, so that it plays a great role in providing
educational access for adults and children. Therefore, the purpose of this
study was to assess the successes and challenges of implementation of
NFBE Curriculum in Bale zone of Oromia Regional state. Based on the
purpose of the study, the leaming environment, the success & best
practices of the programs, support for NFBE programs facilitators in terms
of training & supervision, the availability of cUlTiculWl1 materials and
challenges encountered were assessed.
To this end, descriptive survey method was used for the s tudy. Data were
gathered from officials, facilitators, center management committee (CMC)
members and adult leamers. Data collection tools were questionnaire,
interview, observation and focus group discussion. The data gathered
through questionnaire were analyzed using percentage whereas the data
gathered through interview; observation and focus group discussion were
transcribed, analyzed and triangulated with the quantitative data where
necessary & appropriate
Findings of the study revealed that implementation of the program have
contributed a lot to providing; leaming opportunity for adults and out-ofschool
children. Oromia Education Bureau changed the adult bc.sic
education program to functional adult literacy; facilitators training, their
salary and the incentives provided were not sufficient; supervision and
monitoring and awareness creation for the community were found to be
low; there were problems of textbooks and facilitator's manual, and poor
educational facilities.
The efforts made to bring the school to the proximity of children and adult
leamers help leamers to leam without going long distance; the shift in
focus of nonjormal adult bas ic education to functional adult literacy (FAL)
encourages adult to come to NFBE centers to leam; lack of adequate
supervision and training, s hortage of leaming materials and the
inadequate linkage between NFBE centers & formal primary schools would
have negative impact on utilization of resources in the NFBE centers.
Based on the major findings certain recommendations were made:
Govemment bodies should coordinate the activities of stakeholders, the
community awareness should be promoted, facilitators should be provided
with short-term upgrading training, and fair incentives for facilitators
should be in place to motivate them.
Challenges of Non-Forma l Basic Education Curriculum