Superconductivity and Jahn Teller Effect in LA(O1XFX)Feas Superconductor
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Addis Ababa University
The recent discovery of superconductivity at moderately high temperature(26K to 55K)
in doped iron-based pnictides(RnO1xFxFeAs),where Rn=La,Ce,Sm,Pr,Nd.etc) having
layered-structure like cuprates,has triggered challenge towards understanding the paring
mechanism. In this work we analyze superconductivity and the Jahn Teller e ect in this
newly discovered La(O1xFx)FeAs superconductor. after reviewing the current nding
on this systems, we suggested in phonon-mediated and distortion- eld-mediated paring
processes give the right order of superconducting critical temperature Tc.The distortion-
eld modes arise from Jahn-Teller e ects due to degenerate or near-degenerate iron 3dxz
and 3dyz orbitals.
The interaction of these degenerate electrons with phonon and distortion eld results
change of shape of orbitals consequentially a change in splitting of electronic orbitals. Ac-
cording to our calculated result in chapter three that superconducting parameters;energy
gap ( ) no of particles inside Fermi surface(N(0)),coe cient of isotopic constant ( ) are
a ected due to Jahn-Teller distortion,consequently superconducting transition tempera-
ture (Tc) is a ected . The calculated parameters are coincide with experimental values
for suitable values of constants
Jahn Teller Effect in LA(O1XFX)Feas Superconductor