Urban Poverty and Poor Housing Condition in Addis Ababa Metropolice Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System

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Samuel, Mebrate

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Addis Ababa Universty


This study explores the urban poverty and intends to contribute to the study of the phenomena of rapid urban poverty and poor housing condition in Arada and Lideta sub-cities of Addis Ababa. The study was conducted on primary and secondary data collected from various households of the sub-cities. Four hundred households were surveyed to investigate the access to toilet, the status of the house, the water supply, socio-economic and sanitation situation. The study was made urban land classification of Arada and Lideta using Remote sensing technique and poverty area map using GIS technique. In order to achieve this objective the collected sample of households, Aerial photographs, Ikonos image and other data were analyzed. An overlay analysis is carried out by evaluating the layers obtained according to their weight and the poverty susceptibility map is produced. And then classified into four classes: low, moderate, high, and very high. From the result more residential parts of Lideta sub city are found in the highest poverty area than Arada sub city. The major reason for the occurrence of poverty area is their monthly income is very low and inadequate so that they can not construct, buy, or rent decent dwelling unit. Furthermore, lack of adequate sewerage and water supply, poor housing condition, over crowdedness are among the main problems. Still more can be inferred that the surveyed households live in an unhygienic and congested environment lacking the basic necessities of a healthy life. On the other hand the remote sensing processed result reveals that the urban land classification area changed through different period of time. Between 1965 and 1984 the built up area and the road distribution had increased. During 1984 and 2004 the two sub cities had changed that built up area and road distribution increased. Generally the magnitude of their problems is worsening from day to day. To improve these conditions the community needs to be actively participation with volunteer investor and small microfinance for the construction of houses and financial advancement.



Urban Poverty and Poor Housing Condition

