Asymmetry of the Scattering of Polarized Electrons by Polycrystalline Gold
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Addis Ababa
The fundamental concepts of polarized electrons a nd t he
mathmatical formulations of the scattering o f these e l ectrons
from spinnless atoms are reviewed.
The Theoretical investigations were made of the asymmetry
of the sca ttering on the su rface of polycrystalli ne gold .
Atomic data for a single s cattering process were use4 to
calculate asymmetry and intensity as a funot~~ • • ~
scattering angle for multiple collisi ons . The specific
i nflue nce of a so li d was taken in t o accou nt . The asymmetry of
the s ca ttered electrons lnt o a ·,-:ide solid angle ·.. .. a s ca l cu l a t. ed
and a c ompari son wi th sane expe r ine nt.a l da t. a f or the s cattering
o f pola r iz ed e lec t r ons o f ene r gy Ep f r or:! 100 t o 500 eV was
made .
Sa t. isfa c t o ry ag r eer:len t has been obt a ined be t ween t he
c a lc ula t ed and e xperinental re s ult.s .