Diversity, Distribution, Relative Abundance and Habitat Association of the Larger Mammalian and Avian Fauna of Alatish, Ethiopia.

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Addis Ababa University


Alatlsh contains variolls forms of larger mammalian and avian fauna. The diversity, distribution. relative ahundance and habitat ussocialion of the larger mammals and birds were investigated during the wel and dry seasons in Alatish. \ Bascd on topographic map, satellite image and preliminary survey, four habitat types were identified in Alatish comprising 37 blocks in 100 km'. Eleven blocks were randomly selected lhlSed an the type of , vegetation. Transect length of 10 km in 0.2 km width were randomly selected to cover 20% of the area. Twenty species of larger mammals and 143 species or hirds were recorded. Riverine woodland habitat had the highest large mammalinn species diversity both in the wet and dry seasons, The lowest diversil} of species was obtained in the woodland habitat. Simpson's Similarity Index was used to analyze the similarity in distribution of larger mammals. Larger mammals showed simifarity in their distribution in the lour habitat lypes during the dry season. The relative abundance or large mammals anu birds was determined using encounter rates that give ordinal scale. Species diversity or birds was the highest in lhe \\"(1ndtand habitat j()lIowed by bamboo woodland with the highest species evcnness in distribution. Thc wet season survey showed highest species diversity in the wooded grassland hahitat owing to the presence of food .lIld water. The dry season survey showed tbe highest avian species diversil) and evenness in the rin:rinc woodland habitat with highest species richness and evennes.s due to the availability of water. Most of the bird species in Alatish were (oealt)' rare as a result or habitat degradation, It ~s diHicu!l to cstubti;;h species distribution because of habitat degruoation. A\:ailabitity of food, ,,',ller and cover \\as onscn'cJ 10- be the ml\jor factors determining the di\'er",ity or larger mammals and bird:.;, SI)SS ~m<ll)sis showed that there was no significant difference in the use of habitat It.)]" larger mammals during the dry season. The dry and wet season d8Ja for birds showed high signilicant dillerence in the llSC of habitat implying their preference (0 certain {) pes nf habitat. The woodland hahhat showed significance differencc and positive association !()I' hirds. liabit;}t uestructioll hy the Nmnadil..' "Falata", and their lin:Shh:k \\"<1:, sc\t;rc in Alatish. Poaching and fnn~sl fire, also contribute,1.! to the dcstf1.ICllt'n orthc "ildJilt' habitat .. <;101><111)' endangered, vulncrabll:'!, and rare species such as Ah'<-'cp/w/us hllse/aphus lora, I,oxodollla qfi'itxma and Hippolragus equinus were once abundant til Alalish, However. currently it was difficult to nlr'I..'n L' lhem in Aiatish c,1511)" Urgent conservation measures with appropriate nHUlagcm~'nt plan are needed to conserve the biological diversity aud develop thepotential Wildlilce area of Alalish,




