The Implementation of General Education Quality Improvement Package in Hawassa Administrative City: The Case Study of Tabor Primary and Secondary Schools
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of this study was to investigate implementation of Teacher
Development Program (TDP) in Hawassa Administrative City by focusing
on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of teachers. The study·
examined the process of CPD implementation, stakeholders' perception
about its implementation, constraints faced, benefits accrued and
measures to be taken to promote CPD implementation. The study employed
qualitative case study design. Participants of the study were 21
educational officers and teachers in the interview, and 13 teachers and 20
students in focus group discussion. Moreover, pertinent documents were
used as a means of data gathering. Then, the results indicated that there
are efforts to help teachers acquire various skills through induction,
experience sharing, licensing courses, pedagogical and cluster resource
centres. As a result, there is change in behaviour of teachers, decrease in
drop-out and repetition rates, and increased parent-teacher
communication. On the other hand, shortage of budget, resources, and
experts, poor management and training programs, lack of commitment and
awareness about action research are problems affecting CPD
implementation. Thus timely release and proper use of budget, ·
employing/training experts, giving training for the grassroots and
improving quality of training programs were suggested as solutions to the
problems. The study concluded that though there are good attempts at
upgrading teachers, these attempts are affected by the above constraints.
Hence, the study implied that there is to be done to help teachers
learn and use what they learn from CPD. Finally, the study suggested that
concerned offices/educational officers should give training for the
grassroots; work in collaboration to act upon measures suggested by
participants; construct additional classrooms/schools, and implement
career promotions as stipulated in the policy documents.
General Education Quality Improvement Package