Learning To Teach In The Context of New Curricula: The Case of Practicum At Hossana College of Teachers Education
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Addis Ababauniversity
The IIIqjor purpose o.lthis study is to develop an understanding on how the ongoing practicw17
i . perceived ond practiced hy teacher educators and the trainees who are the chief agents of
tlie ill/p/ell/entotion process. I fence. u descriptive case study was used 10 gel an access 10 fuLly
conceptualize the phenolllenon under investigation Fom the research participants '
perspective. Besides, ten teacher educalors (mentors and tutors),jive from each and eight
l'andidates from 2/1d and 3/'d year trainees, four from each were included in the study. As a
resul/, il/cluding ol/e proctiCUII/ unit coordinator, a total 0.( 19 purposefully selected; and 'well
- informed, participan/s were involved. The study also employed direct observCltion,interview
Clnd docl/ment review to secure sufficient and pertinent data collection. Moreover, interpretive
analysis was predominantly used together with the reflective analysis to interpret the daw.
Lastly, conclusions and the implication o.(the stuc0' were drm\117 on the basis ofthejindings. In
this regard, the .findings 0/ this research portrayed that in spite 0/ its inherent limitations
associated with implelllentation process, practicum is 0/ paramount importance. However an
illtegmted and dependable par/nership/ collaboratioll among the involved parties was not yet
established In addition, there seems to be inadeq1late conceptualization of the essence o/the
prac/icwlI par/icularly the con/inuous assessment. It is hoped that the trainees }I'ill develop the
Cll1ticipa/ed pro/essional cOlllpe/ence through /heir reflection on their petformances.
Regardillg this, hOlt'ever, the overall learning contex/ is less supportive to the premises of/he
prac/ iculm
Practicum At Hossana College of Teachers Education