Depth Profiles of the Top and Wheel Side of Fe40 Ni40Si4 B16 (Glassy Metal) By X~RAY Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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Addis Ababa University
X-ray photoelectn:>n spectroscopy i~l ar1pIi<;Kjtotl:e:st'Jc1.y 'of. " rr.etallic
( ;::':- -( .., '[ - (; ~ ;
glass Fe4~Ni40Si4B16 prepared by melt spinnir".g)t1e';:liod;', b'j:jeCt~ 6f the
sample ~lere taken els91'lhere by l'SCA 3 HARK nspeptJ;'q[~t;er ,~Il ,~e top 1l{de ,
and ~iheel side, in its as recieved form, after sputtering for 5, 15 and 30
minutes respectively and when the sample crystallizaCJ by heating to 580"C.
Q <> Ulese spectra \ifere recorded for tiro detection angles 15 and 55 from the
surface normal. 'l\1e CX)r9 level and valence band spectra are interpreted,
and the surface concentration of the top and the \'Ihool sides are calculated
after eac:h sample treatment. It is found t.hat the surface is highly
contaminated with oxygen' and Car'ron and these contaminants form rather
complicated c:hemical CO'lt1pounds ~Iith the matrix elements. Surface
conposition after all treatn",nts is discu.."lSed and conclusiOn concerning
col1C0ntration c:h(l1)ges are dra~m, ego it has been obsetved that the surface
is enric:hed by Boron and Iron after Sputtering. 'Ihe electronic structures
of the amorphou.s and mystalline sal1\ples are found to be similar
Photoelectron Spectroscopy