Context-Aware Mobile Phone Based City Guide
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Addis Ababa University
In order to provide a context aware location based service to a mobile phone user, the first thing
is to know the exact location and context of the user. To know the exact location of the user there
are different positioning techniques. Some of these techniques need support of Telecom provider
and other methods require an embedded GPS. But the cost of most smart cell phone that has GPS
is expensive and economically not affordable for most people in the country.
To overcome this problem we propose the context-aware LBS architecture that reads and process
the location and context information of a user using ordinary cell phones. The architecture is
composed of the client mobile device and the context aware LBS server. The client mobile
device end consists of components responsible for reading the location and context data from the
client cell phone. The context aware LBS server side consists of components responsible for
processing the location and context data that comes from client cell phone and make decisions
based on different information stored in the server. The LBS system uses mathematical model of
lateration methods based on the signal strength and cell-ID received from telephone cell tower
which all types of mobile phones can read.
To evaluate the validity of the proposed architecture, we developed a prototype that implements
the core components of the proposed architecture. The implementation has been evaluated with a
sample services areas between localities in Addis Ababa named as Arat Kilo and Sidist Kilo.
Results from the experiment show the proposed architecture is promising to provide a context
aware city guide services for users including those using ordinary (non-smart) phones without
Location Based Service, Context-Aware, Trilateration, Cell-ID, Received Signal Strength
Location Based Service; Context-Aware; Trilateration; Cell-Id; Received Signal Strength Indication