Psychosocial Challenges Encountered by Mothers Having Children with Cerebral Palsy at Cheshire Service Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.
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Cerebral palsy (CP) is a permanent neurological impairment that caused by a damage of central nervous
system that present before or during birth or in the first month of life & mainly characterized by non-
progressive, abnormal motor control, unusual and non-standardized posture with communication
difficulties. The consequences of CP do not affect only the child‟s life but also the families. However,
mainly the professional care has mainly focused and provided merely from a child‟s perspective and
mother side is less concerned. The objective of the present study was to explore the psychosocial
challenges encountered by mothers having children with cerebral palsy in Addis Ababa, at Cheshire
Service Ethiopia. The study employed a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research design.
To find out pertinent response, the researcher recruited thirteen biological mothers of children with CP
and selected them using purposive sampling method. From the total of thirteen respondents, seven of
them participated in individual face to face interview and the remaining six participated in focus group
discussion (FGD). The data was collected through semi-structured interview and FGD. Then analyzed
qualitatively, using thematic analysis approach. From the findings of the study the following conclusion
are drown. Before the birth of their children with CP there is lack of accurate information in regards to
the concept of CP. The burden of care giving demands makes the mothers to be shocked and
overwhelmed. These consequences, make mothers to faced psychological distress, social isolation,
financial and marital problem, physical health problem (particularly, shoulder and back pain problem),
lose of work opportunities and become unemployed. One of the cause of psychological challenges is
discrimination that made by the community. There is a healthy mother-children relationship & have
immediate eye contact even they are on the work because of their fearfulness may their children acquire
further impairment. The most common coping mechanisms that employed by respondent mothers are,
accepting their children‟s disability, regulating once emotion, religious coping, and receiving social
support. The researcher recommended that, the government should access developmental physiotherapy
services in the country. The societies must build up a positive perception towards mothers of children
with CP. the physical, educational & the attitudinal barrier that existed in school could be adapted.
Cerebral palsy, psychosocial challenge, mothers and children