The Impact of Advertisement on Consumer's Preference of Brand: The Case of St. George Beer in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
Adverlising may influence cOllsumers in differenl ways, however, Ihe primmy goal 0/
adverlising i;' 10 illcrease Ihe probabililY Ihal consumers exposed 10 an adverlisemel1l IFill
behave or believe as Ihe adverliser wishes, Thus, Ihe ullimale obj eclive of advertisillf!, is
to sell Ihings persuasively and crcatiw ly, This research was aimed 10 examine the impact
of adrertiselllel1l all consumers' preference of brand in Ihe conlexi of St, George heel'.
The sludy has some plllposes like 10 see the relationship belween adverti.l'elllellt alld
consumer choice of beer brand and to help Ihe company 10 adjusl its advertiselllel1l
proKrams ill line Il'ith the impact of a{h'erti.l'ement on their CU,l'Iomers brand prejilrel7ce
Descriptil'e rewllrch design Ims plllllned for the study to examine the impa('t oj'
odrertisement Oil cOllsllllla's pre/ere/la of bmlld Siruciured and admillistered
questionnaire \1'0.1' used as major doto collection inslrument, on 21.: respondel1ls sele(,ted
on simple ml1llo/l! sampling basis. "/ ccurdillgl)' the study revels th(1I advertisemellt doe,l
not how impa('t {III customers' preferellce of beer branc!. ralher cuslomer pre};;rs St
George beer bec(l/Ise of ils good laste, The sludy also indicales Ihat TV, mdiu and
Billboards are the must liked medium of advertisement by Ihe re;pondel1ls alung Il'ilh
Sheger FM ami F.II Y-,l mdiu chanllels those operaled 1o be Ihe mosl preferred /'(Idio
channel,l. Based on this indicatiulI, the .I't/l(\)/ coneludes Ihat adverlisement does not //(I\'e
impact un buth c"muma,1 ' preference uf beer brand alld IOtal consumption uj' beer (//
leost in the cuntext of SI, Geurge beer, Finally Ihe study mggest same \m),,1 that the
cUlI/pall)' .I'huu/d adupt ill proll/utillg its pruducts thruugh TV, I'!.Idiu ond billbuard
f1lL'dillm.\ uj "drt.'rt l.H'lIlL'llI IJI.'C£ llt.h' ,h(,.H' '),/J(!j of a£irerlisemenl mediums cU/Hiderillt!
preferred by 11/0;1 (If the cwtulllers, Thl! (,Ulllpall)' should reduce the (fIl1UllI7t of 11/011,'". it
al/ocme fur oc/rel'l isellle III act irit ie.l' alld .I'hall use pori of this budget for at her market iIII'
octil'ities ur shore it Il'ith custolllers, becollse 1II0st of Ihe CllSIomers beliel'e thut
G<iI'el'liSelllellt dUes 1101 hare illlpact all Iheir preference of beer bl'!.lnd and Ihe CO/l11XIII)' i.l'
qllite/illnilio/' in the COIIIIII)"
Advertisement on Consumer's Preference of Brand