A Study on Primary Productivity and Nutrients In Abijata Evaporative Concentration Ponds.
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Addis Ababa University
Changes in primary productivity and nutrients were studied ill- situ in ulree Abijata evaporative concentration
ponds (B, C, D), intake channel (A) and ule main lake for seven months from Octoher, 1996 to April, 1997 (9
samplings). Data were also recorded for related physical and meteorological parameters including: temperature,
wind speed, light, and water chemistry. Phytoplankton biomass was measured as chi-a. Photosynthesis was
estimated by oxygen evolution with the Winkler and Miller methods, and 14C was also used three times for
comparison during the study period. The level of pond water fluctuated considerably in response to water influent
from the main lake, precipitation and evaporative concentration. In all Ule studied water-bodies, there was no
appreciable stratification in temperature except pond D with greater temperature at the bottom. Intensive wind
mixing is a common feature in the ponds.
Ionic concentration in pond D exceed by more than 15 times over the channel and pond B. Similar patterns were
observed in the composition of major nutrients, except phosphorus. There was strong positive relationship
hetween increasing salinity and alkalinity but inverse relationship with pH and phosphorus was observed. The
concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen is extremely high ( > 14mg/l ) in all water-bodies. No nutrient
limitation was found during the study period.
A total of 11 phytoplankton genera were identified in the lake, channel and pond B, of which Allabaellopsis
represent >50% of the commnnity in number. This persisted as an unialgal population in pond B during the dry
months when ionic concentration was also high. Diatoms compose the greater part of the algal community,
particularly during the rainy months (March-April, 1997) and increased water level. Among diatoms, Navicula and
- - / Nitzschia species were dominant at all times, except the dry months. Spirt/lilla platellSis was found in lower
frequency when compared with reports from earlier studies.
Mean chI. a concentration in the main lake, channel and pond B were 8.16, 16.14, 4.23 mg m·', respectively,
much lower than values reported by earlier investigators. Areal photosynthetic rates ranged from 0.2 to 1.05g C
m·' h· l in the channel, and 0.042 to 0.414g C m·'h·l in pond B. It is about 5 g C m·' when extrapolated to daily
rate in pond B while in the lake and the channel it does not exceed beyond 11 g C m·' d·l
. This is much lower than
the usual rates for African alkaline-saline lakes. The major factors Ulat influence primary productivity during the
study period include the higher level of sulphate, declined alkalinity and higher salinity along the concentration
gradient. It was found that Miller meulOd is the hest teclmique of estimation of photosynthetic rate in such
alkaline-saline waters.
These data for primary productivity and nutrients are discussed in relation to their implications for large scale
production and control purposes in the ponds.