Perception on Gender Difference In Mathematics Achievements: The Case of Jimma University

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Addis Ababauniversity


This study is meant to understand the perceptions of Jimma University Jemale students and their mathematics instructors on Jem.ales' mathematics achievements, and understand holV some Jactors influence the Jemales' perceptions. To do this; I used the qualitative research methodology and case study strategy. 1 held an in-depth interview, a Jocus group discussion, field observation and document analysis. I analyzed the data using the narrative analysis technique. I employed the social constructivist perspective oj knowledge construction in learning mClthem.atics. 1 Jound out that the female students and their mathemCltics instructors perceive that the Jemale students have lower mathematics achievements than the male students. The factors that influenccd the Jemales' perceptions are the Jact that Jemale students are denied of their Jreedom of interaction that they required in learning Illathcil1C1lics: the learning environll7ent is not meant for females ' lIlathemazic.:s learning; thr.::y don"t have rate models and mentors in learning mathematics,' they are seen as guests, and are Jorced into seeing them.selves as guests in the mathematics class



Mathematics Achievements
