The Role of Pare N Ts of Autistic Children in the Earl y Intervention Programmers.
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Addis Ababa University
Although we think that autism is not an illness and cannot be cured, a lot can be
done to improve the life situation of children with autism and promote their
leaming and development. Parents have a critical role in the over all development
of the children. This being the case, the major purpose of this study was
generally to investigate the role of parents of autistic children in the early
intervention programs (EIP).
A qualitative research approach USl11g interview, observation, Focus Group
Discussion and document analysis were employed to collect the empirical data
for the study. Six parents of children with autism were included in the study. All
of he respondents were found through J-CCARDD. So, the finding of the study is
pl'esented and analyzed accordingly: Bacle ground infonnation about the mothers
and their autistic children, areas of parental involvement in the EIP, needs of
parents to involve in the EIP, and extent of parental involvement in the EIP.
The finding of the study revealed that almost all parents (except case four) have
positive understanding about the causes and the intervention strategies of
The extent of direct involvement of the parents in teaching their autistic children
seem to vary according to the educational and the socioeconomic s tatus of eacll
case of the parents. In addition to this, all parents of children with autism are
not using enough teaching and playing materials and are practicing the teachil1[
process at home.
Pw'ents reqUIre training and counseling on the consequence of autism and its
treatment techniques so that they can lenow the role they can play to help their
children to develop in to active members of their community.
Role of Pare N Ts of Autistic Children