High Embankment Dam Alternative Design and Analysis (In Case of Middle Awash Multipurpose Dam)
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Design of an Embankment Dam is a crucial issue from the view point of safety and economy of
construction cost. Asphaltic concrete core is virtually impervious, flexible, resistant to erosion and
aging, workable and compactable and offers joint less core construction. It is very well suited for
dams in earthquake regions and best suited when there is no ample supply of impervious material
within economically feasible distance.
In Middle Awash high embankment dam, due to biggest challenge is the hauling distance of the
impervious clay core material, the choice of rock fill asphalt concrete core dam is the most suitable
among alternatives emphasis was placed on costs, severe weather conditions during construction,
earthquake resistance, and compatibility with the geological conditions which might cause
significant differential settlements across the valley.
The paper provides modeling of the dam cross section for rock fill central asphalt concrete core
dam design using Geo-studio 2007 Software and computing factor of safety for upstream and
downstream slope stability for all different loading condition before and after earth quake using
limit equilibrium method and finite element method. Static and pseudo-static analyses have been
conducted in SLOPE/W 2007 using limit equilibrium method. For rigorous dynamic analysis
Equivalent Linear Dynamic analyses have been done using QUAKE/W 2007 module.
Based on recommended design standards such as: - ICOLD Bulletin, USBR, USACE and other
cited reference material the design and analysis of Middle Awash Multipurpose Dam was
conducted using Geo-studio 2007 software products and the result meets the recommended range
of design standard.
KEYWORDS: Asphaltic Concrete Core, Geo-studio 2007, Design of embankment dam, Middle
Awash Multipurpose Dam, Slope stability Analysis, Pseudo-static analyses, Equivalent Linear
Asphaltic Concrete Core, Geo-studio 2007, Design of embankment dam, Middle Awash Multipurpose Dam, Slope stability Analysis, Pseudo-static analyses, Equivalent Linear Dynamic