Challenges of Jimma University In Implementing Community Based Training Program
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Addis Ababauniversity
The study was conducted to look into the challenges to effective implementation
of CBTP in education faculty of JU To this end, the study was designed on
descriptive survey method and the researcher had selected his study subjects
through stratified and purposive sampling. To collect relevant data, both
questionnaire' and interview have been employed. Oata have been analyzed
using the technique fit for both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The
study revealed that, the faculty has faced a lot of challenges to effectively
implement the program. Amongst these challenges, poor transportation facilities,
resource supplies, shortage of time to implement CB TP, and scheduling problem
were some which have been reported and found as bottleneck for the effective
implementation of the program. Particularly the inadequate awareness of the
community members who are assumed to playa great role to the success of the
program was found to be the main challenge to the faculty. As a result it was
concluded that, all these existing conditions became a challenge for the faculty to
effectively implement CB TP, and with all these problems, particularly, without the
inadequate knowledge and understanding of the communities about the program,
it would not be possible to assume the effective implementation of CBTP, and
produce teachers who are responsive to the development needs of the
community. Therefore, it is suggested that if in future CBTP to playa pivotal role
in producing professionals that the time demand, the faculty needs to, for
example, organize workshop and conference on a continuous basis, to create an
in-depth understanding about CB TP amongst all participants, particularly
communities, so as to get their support and cooperation for the success of the
Implementing Community Based Training Program