Investigation of Antimicrobial Activities of Albizia Gummifera and Ferula Communis on Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Streptococcus Pyogenes Causing Upper Respiratory Tract Infections In Children
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A study involving the collection and isolation of the common Gram-positive
bacterial pathogens and the antimicrobial susceptibility test of traditionally used
plant species was conducted over a period of 5 months (January – August, 2004)
at the Ethiopian Health, and Nutrition research institute. Among the specimens
collected from the patients of URTIs visiting the OPD of Black Lion hospital,
Kirkos and Tekle Haimonot Health centers, a total of 191 infants and children
(aged< 14 Years) were included as subjects of the study of which 60 specimens
of ear discharge were collected from those with clinically symptomatic for acute
otitis media and 131 specimens of throat swab were from those with confirmed
pharyngotonsillitis clinical symptoms. Out of the total 191 specimens collected,
12% (22 to 191) were positive for clinical isolates of S. Pyogenes ((3.3% (2 of
60) from the specimens of ear discharge, and 15% (20 of 131) from the throat
swabs)). Among 60 specimens, of ear discharge collected from the patients of
AOM, 10% (6 of 60) of the sample were found positive for S. Peneumonia
isolates. The in vitro antibacterial activites of 80% methanol crude extracts
prepared from the seeds of Ablizia gummifera and, roots of Ferula communis as
well as their respective hydroalcoholic solvent fractionates of both plant species
were tested for inhibitory activity against the clinical isolates of six S.
pneumonae and twenty two S. pyogenes using agar dilution method. 80%
ethanol solublized fractions of both plants were found to have antibacterial
effects to all assayed bacteria while aqueous solublized fractions did not exhibit
any effect. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC of the 80% ethanol
solubilized fractions was determined and the MIC of the fractions ranged from
500μg/ml t to 1000μg/ml for both plants showing the extracts may contain
bioactive compounds of the therapeutic interest