AssesslDent of Guidance and Counseling Sel'vices in Govel'nlDent Technical and Vocational Education and Tl'aining Institutions in Addis Ababa
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Gebeyehu, Fentaw
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Addis Ababa University
Vocational counseling is an interpersonal process designed to assist
students/trainees with occupational development. Occupational development is
that process of choosing, entering, adjusting to and advancing in an occupation.
It is a lifelong process that interacts dynamically with other life roles. However,
no adequate research and consideration has been done to improve the service.
In this study an assessment was conducted in evaluating the quality of
provisions of vocational guidance/counseling services in four government
technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Addis
Ababa. A cross sectional survey was carried out using tools adopted from the
'guideline for vocational guidance and counseling services' by MOE The
instruments were questionnaires, interviews, observational checklist and group
discussions. A sample of 120 trainees, 11 vocational counselors, 80 teachers and
12 directors participated in the study. From the study, it was found that trainees
were not assisted through the provision of pre-admition vocational guidance
services. The provision of post-admition vocational guidance/counseling services
were inefficient and non standardized. Vocational counselors were not prescribed
with the relevant occupational information/training and did not take even a
single course in vocational/career counseling. However, the majority of
participants from each group believed the overall practices of
guidance/counseling in the TVET institutions was high. The implications of the
above results and other specific findings have been discussed in the body.
Counseling Sel'vices in Govel'nlDent Technical