An Analysis of Demand for Beef with a Focus on Quality and Safety in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia

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Conjoint analysis was applied to assess the part worth of beef quality and safety attributes using a cross sectional data from a stratified sample of 300 household s in Add is Ababa city collected in Jun e 2007. The software used for estimation is SPSS 15. Results show that fat content, fretless, neatness of meat shop and personnel, abattoir stamp and price are significant quality and safety attributes that consumers use in their beef purchase decisions. Interactive variables like family size, religion, age, schooling, stay in Addis Ababa and marital status are also found to significantly influence quality and safety perceptions. on the other hand some variables such as sex of meal planners are found 10 have insignificant role in quality and safety perception. T he result further indicate s that income has a great role in influencing people perception regarding safety and quality of beef. The result of the stud y could be used for designing safety and quality standard for local wet market. Key words: Beef demand, Quality and safety attribute s, conjoint analysis, Addis Ababa



Beef Demand, Quality and Safety Attribute

