Attitudes of Students, Teachers, Parents and Education Bureau officials Towards Dawurogna As A Medium of Instruction in Primary Schools In Dawurozone

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Addis Ababa University


The objedives of this study were to explore the existing attitude of student>, teachers, parents, and Education Bureau (EB) officials towards Dawurogna as a medium of instrudion in primary schools in Dawuro zone, and to examine whether there were variations in the attitudes of students, teachers, and parents due to sex and residence. To achieve the objedives, 324 students, 48 teacher" and 224 parents through Stratified random sampling from Mada Cobo, Dochl Moddel Waka, Cozo Shasho and Sore primary schools, and 12 EB officials through Convenience ·sampling from Dawuro z one, Mareka and Loma Woredas Education Bureaus were chosen. One sample t-test and two-way ANOVA were employed to analyze the collected data. The results indicated that students, teachers, and parents held negative attitude, but EB officials showed positive attit ude towards Dawurogna as a medium of instrudion in primary schools. Besides, significant attitudinal variations were not found due to sex & residence among students, teachers, and parents, except urban and rural students. Urban students showed relatively higher negative attitude towards Dawurogna as a medium of instrudion. Further, the results were presented with possible explanations. Finally, conclusions and suggestions were made in the light of the findings .



Education Bureau, (EB) officials towards Dawurogna
