Assessment of The Contribution of Play Based Learning Methodology For Students’ acadamic Performance In Five Right To Play Project Target Primary Schools In Gulele Subcity
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Ayen, Netsanet
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The contribution of play Based Learning for students’ academic performance in Five Right
To Play Project Target Primary Schools in Gulele sub city
Addis Ababa University, 2021
The overall objective of this study was to assess the contribution of Play Based Learning
Methodology for students’ academic performance in Five Right To Play Project Target
primary schools. A descriptive survey study with quantitative and qualitative was engaged
for this study. Data gathering instruments to collect the necessary data were questionnaire,
and interview. The questionnaire was distributed to 90 teachers, (First primary grades
teachers both trained and untrained by play Based Learning Methodology.)5educational
leaders (vice principal chosen through purposive sampling); three supervisors (chosen
through purposive sampling) participated in the study. While the questionnaires were
distributed to 90 teachers and the interview was conducted with eight educational leaders.
The data obtained through questionnaire were analyzed using statistical tools such as
percentage; frequency and mean. Data obtained through interview was analyzed
qualitatively. Among other things, the study found that children have shown better
nonacademic performance (i.e. cooperation, communication, team work self-steam and self -
confidence) when they participated in play based learning. Education officials trained by
play based learning methodology by the organization have demonstrated good understanding
about play based learning. All the same, it was found that classroom environment such as
class size and number of students, shortage of play materials in the schools and lack of
training in this methodology for some teachers were the major factors that affected the
implementation of play based learning methodology. The overall recommendation of the
study was to improve the academic and nonacademic performance of first primary grade
students play base learning approach is very important. To that effect, it is recommended
that all teachers should be trained in this methodology.
A descriptive survey study with quantitative and qualitative was engaged for this study