Factors Affccti ng Female Students Achievement in Mathematics: The Case of Secondary Schools in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The main propose of this stud y was to examine the factors th at affect female students '
mat hematics achievement in Bole Sub-City Government First Cycle Secondary School s.
Causal relation research design was employed to in vestigate the problem. Using simple
random sampling technique 312 participants were selected from a total of 1431 target
population. Achievement test, questionnaire and interview were the instrument employed
in data collection. From multiple regression analysis of data, the result indicated that
coefficient of mUltiple determination (R2=0.4l2), 41.2% of the variation in female
student s mathematics achievement test was accounted by variability in major socio
eco nomic variables (education, occupation and income) of parents. Similarly, (R2=0.674),
67.4% of the variatioljl in female students mathematic s achievement was accounted by
variability in both out of school and in school factors like , home related factors, personal
factors and in school related factors. Therefore, it is better to intervene the problem
especiall y; the Education office of Bole Sub-City and School Prin cipal s should coach to
handle the problem (factors) that affect female students' mathematics achievement both
in school and out of school by acting as facilitator with parents , stakeholders , concerned
bodies and students.
factors th at affect female students