The practices and challenges of teachers' continuous professional development (Cpd) program in government secondary schools of Bale Zone

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Addis Ababa Universty


The main pwpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges o[ the CP D program in secondmy schools of Bale Zone. To realize this purpose, for research questions regarding the extent of implementation of the program, the activities involved in the CPD program to put it in to practice, the effects of the program in daily activities of the teachers and the hindering factors were asked To address these questions descriptive survey method was employed. Accordingly, four woredas and two towns administrative; nine secondmy schools were selected using stratified and availability sampling techniques re.lpectively. Besides, J 89 teachers were selected by stratified and random sampling techniques while 30 school principals were selected by availability sampling. Seven woreda education experts, 2 town education ofli ce experts and 2 zonal education experts were selected pwposefitlly. To collect primmy data, questionnaire with close-ended and few open-ended questions and interview were employed. Teachers ' portfolio were analyzed a secondary sources. The questionnaire was used to collect data fi'om teachers and principals. The interview and document analysis were also conducted to crosscheck the information obtained through questionnaires. The data obtained qualitatively were first edited, organized and tabulated and then analyzed using fi'equency counts, percentage, mean, grand mean and one-way ANOVA. The quantitative data were first organized in to meaningfitl information and data were described both as expressed in interviewees and as understood by the researcher. The results of data analysis and inteJpretation indicated that the support given to teachers both pre-practice and during the actual practice was low. Furthermore, the teachers practice CP D activities in secondary schools vary fi'om school to school and ji'om group to group (lack uniformity). With regard to the reason for participation were largely for career aspiration and due to the interest of the government. The effects of the CP D program in the daily activities of teachers were found also encouraging. Though there were encouraging impacts of CP D program on day today teachers ' activities, multiple challenges encountered Consequently, lack of well organized concerned bodies, lack of systematic coordination, lack (j[ reliable support, lack (j[ jill/OW up, lack of knowledge and expertise and budget constraints were identified as a major school/administration/ related faclors while lack of training opportunities, failure to understand the intension of the program and high workload were identified as teacher related factors affecting the effectiveness (j[CPD. Thus, one cannot boldly speak the smooth and effective running of CP D program on the study area. To al/eviate these problems creating training program, establishing a culture of support, follow up and organizational support (networking) on the issue were suggested



