Determinants of Health Management Information Utilization for Decision Making in Health Facilities improvement project at Woliso Town administration health office S/W/Shoa zone of Oromia region

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Addis Ababa University


Introduction:-The primary aim of HMIS is to support informed operational and strategic decision-making in the health care system by providing quality data that help managers and health workers to plan and manage the service of health care delivery for the population. Data must be collected, processed and transformed, communicated, and used to inform decisions on resource allocations, policies, staffing, service delivery, cost-recovery, supportive supervision, and other elements working toward improved health outcomes. Objective: - To identify determinants of Health management information utilization for decision making in health facilities of Woliso Town administration Health office. Method: - A cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted in the health facilities found in Woliso Town Administration. A structured questionnaire was filled by 38 health professionals. Observation cheek list was used to observe different documents and in-depth interview with 6 candidates using semi structured questionnaire and a total of 44 health professionals and HIS focal persons was participant of the study. The data from the questioner were checked, entered and analyzed using SPSS version 16. Data was described and presented using frequencies, tables, and graphs. Determinants that affect the use of HMIS were analyzed using logistic regression. Odd ratio with 95 percent confidence interval and 5% level of precision were used for data interpretation. Result: - The overall utilization of information by health workers were 50%.The main determinant factors that limit use of information was inadequate training of health workers to fill out format, managers poor data quality cheek with review team regularly, Inadequate feed back to the staff regularly by managers and poor discussions of achievements with their friend by health workers and low confidence level of health workers in calculating percentages and rates correctly were the major ones. These determinants need improvement through proposed solutions and intervention. Conclusion and recommendation: - The study project demonstrates limited utilization of routine data to make decisions in the health facilities due to many determinant factors identified as Technical, Organizational and Behavioral factors that needs intervention. It can be used as base line to intervene on identified determinants to improve utilization of information for decision making in government health facilities of Waliso Town Administration.



Determinants of Health Management Information
