Studies on Perchlorate And Hydrogen Phthalate Liquid Membrane Electrodes Based on Crystal Violet and Brilliant Green
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Addis Ababa Universty
Liquid membrane holders were designed from concentric pyrex tubes
by glass blowing and employed to design perchlorate and hydrogen phthalate
electrodes based on Crystal Violet perchlorate and Brilliant Green hydrogen
phthalate salts. Polyviny chloride discs , with 1-chloronaphthalene as
plasticizer , were used to support the liquid membranes which consisted of
nitrobenzene, 1 , 2-dichloroethane or 1, 2 -dichlorobenzene in the case of
Crystal Violet perchlorate and nitrobenzene in the case of the other.
Several electroanalytical parameters have been evaluated and both perchlorate
and hydrogen phthalate electrodes respond to perchlorate , periodate , Iodide ,
saccharin , and hydrogen phthalate, with selectivity in that order. The
electrodes were found to respond to these anions within 60 seconds , in wide
concentration ranges ( slopes 52-60 mv / decade ) with detection limit of
6.7x10“ ^ to 4.7xlO~ ^M. The perchlorate electrode was employed to determine
perchlorate in artificial samples with three potentiometric methods and
results were found to have reasonable accuracy and precision
Hydrogen Phthalate Liquid Membrane Electrodes