The Management of Distance Education Students At Tertiary Level in Addis Ababa Administration

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of the study was to examine the practice and problems in implementing the management of tertiary level distance education in Addis Ababa administration. For the purpose, descriptive survey method was employed. In addition to consultation of various documents from relevant sources, data were gathered from students, tutors and management using data collecting instruments: questionnaires and interviews. In order to select sample population, random sampling method was employed. The data was analyzed and interpreted using appropriate tools. It was described that both tutors and management have the required level of qualification to teach at tel1iary level distance education and effectively and efficiently perform managerial functions. The findings of the study reveal that there exists delay of course material delivery which results in delay in graduation and more load on students. Printing editing and storing were found to be the major reasons for delay of course material distribution. However, the structure and presentation of instructional materials were properly designed. It was also found out tllat the major student support provided was tutoring followed by assignment and counseling, which was mainly focused on the content of the course materials. Further more, it was indicated that students were attending the tutorial programs regularly while most of the tutors were not regularly available at the tutorial centers. It was also found out that the use of visual aids was totally neglected and no electronic media was employed to facilitate distance learning. As regards to the evaluation of tutors, the study revealed that tutors have adequate knowledge on the subject matter, practical knowledge and are skilled in examination preparation. However, it was indicated that there was a problem in registering marks, providing timely corrections and proper feedback. Concerning to collaboration with other institutions it was found to be poor and very limited to project works. Pel1aining to the findings deduced from the study, it was indicated that both tutors and management were qualified; delay of instructional materials delivery is one of the causes for students' delay in graduation and this in turn results in incurring additional costs both to the students and the institution. Instructional materials were found to be well prepared. However, the student support services were inadequate; worksheets and assignments for submission were not properly managed and leading lesser motivation. The use of modern technology is totally neglected. There is a loose information network in intra and inter institutions. Hence, it is suggested that the problem of material printing should be resolved by institutional networks that will establish common printing press; conduct regular follow up and control on the side of course writers and editors. Moreover, the Management of Distance Education at Tertiary Level to be efficient and effective to make use of modern instructional technology setting policy, rules and regulation at the center (MOE) is indispensible;



management of tertiary level distance education
