Communicative Language Testing Its Validity and Reliability at the Addis Ababa University

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Addis Ababa University


The aim of this study was to try and see if the English language can be tested communicatively at the university and if the test produced has the required types of validity and reliability. So a test was prepared and administered for 120 students in the freshman programme. And after multiple marking was applied, the papers of 80 students (2/3 of the total number of subjects) were included in the item analysis list. Results of the item-analysis showed the test had items of varied and acceptable facility values (average= 54.8) and indexes of discrimination.(average =0.36) The reliability of the test was also checked with the help of two methods: the Spearman-Brown split-half which gave r=0.79, and the Kuder - Richardson 20(KR 21) which gave r=0.8. KR 21 was used because it also takes into consideration the interitem consistency in the test. The results obtained in both showed the test could be accepted as a reliable instrument. The results of the subjects were also correlated with their results in College English - I to check the test's concurrent validity. The two tests showed a good correlation at r=0.75. Two questionnaires were also prepared: one for the students who took the test and one for instructors. The results of the analysis of the responses of the respondents showed the test had the different types of validity. So it was concluded that communicative language testing can be applicable in the tertiary level, and recommendations where made for test



Communicative Language Testing
