Relationship of Teacher Self Concept To Teacher Behaviors And Students Educational outcomes at First cycle Primary Schools of fogera and Libokemkem woreds
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study aims to examine the relationship of teacher self concept to teacher
behaviors and students educational outcomes at first cycle primary schools of
Fogera and Libokemkem woredas. To do this, 460-4th grade students (230-girls
and 230-boys) were selected by using systematic random sampling techniques.
Besides, 46-teachers (21-females and 25-males) were purposely selected. The
sample consisted of an intact I-teacher and IO-students per class. These
participants were measured using different questionnaires which focused on
dimensions of teacher self concept, teacher behaviors and student educational
outcomes. The data collected through these instruments were analyzed using
Pearson product moment correlation coefficients.
The results revealed that there was no significant relationship between teacher
self concept to teacher leadership style dimensions. Likewise, significant
association was not observed between teacher self concept and teacher use of
power dimensions (except the relationship between teacher social self concept
to teacher use of reward power). Significant correlation was obtained between
teacher pedagogical self concept with all of the students educational outcomes
(except students attitude toward peers). Similarly, significant relationship was
obtained between teacher social self-concept with students motivation to learn
and attitude toward teachers. Significant association was also observed
between teacher administrative self-concept with students motivation to learn.
other significant correlation was obtained between teachers leadership styles
like initiating structure and consideration with student self concept. on the
contrary, there was no significant association between teachers use of power
and students educational outcome dimensions. Thus, concerned bodies need to
give due attention on the variables under studied to enhance students
educational outcomes.
Teacher Behaviors