Investigating Problems Related to Coopera Tive Learning in English Classes With Reference to Grade 10 Students of Fenote Birhan Secondary School

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to investigate problems related to cooperative learning with reference to grade 10 students in Fenote Birhan secondary School in Adigrat town. Specifically, the study also dealt with identifying the roles that English teachers play to alleviate problems related to cooperative learning. To conduct the study, a descriptive survey method was employed. 118 students and 5 English teachers were subjects of the study. Student subjects were selected using random sampling technique. Three data gathering tools namely, questionnaire, interview, and observation were used to collect data for the study. Erggygn.q; andyerce~tage were used to analyze the close -ended data whereas qualitative data ana YSls . was used for open-ended questions, interview, and observation. The result of the study showed that there were several problems during cooperative learning in ยท English classes. In line with this, some students dominated cooperative learning. Majority of the students used their mother tongue instead of the target language. The time allotted for cooperative learning was very little. Students did not cooperate when they were grouped with those whom they were not familiar with. Students did not have good English ability to share ideas among themselves. Most students did not use their team praclice time effectively. Some students were misbehaving and malcing noise and disturbing others. The physical arrangement of classes was not suitable for cooperative learning as the chairs and deslcs were fixed. Similarly, the data revealed that English teachers disregarded some of their duties during different stages of cooperative learning. Based on the findings, it was concluded that dominating group by some students, students' low English ability, use of mother tongue, misbehavior, noise, insufficient time allotted by teachers, students' grouping unwillingness with others, in appropriate classroom arrangement, and students' inability to use the allotted time effectively were the problems encountered during cooperative learning in English classes. Hence, English teachers should consider thes~ problems and then should exert maximum efforts to promote students' cooperative learning.



Investigating Problems Related
